Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bring the Spring

March brings the excitement and anticipation of Spring. A time when we say goodbye to the cold snow and welcome back the lush grass and warm weather. Spring is one of my personal favorite seasons because it's not too hot whilst not being too cold at the same time. So being the impatient person that I am, I've decided to start my spring cleaning a little early. Here are some tips and ideas to help you get out of hibernation and feeling refreshed.

1. CLEAN: A messy space makes us feel lazy and unmotivated. Clean up your room/space by going all out. 
  • Shampoo your rug
  • Vaccuum
  • Wash or change your blankets & sheets
  • Dust & Polish
  • Wash windows and mirrors 

2. ORGANIZE: Once we've cleaned and polished everything, it's time to organize and go through all of the things we own. One of my favorite parts about spring cleaning is emptying my drawers and closet completely and going through my clothes. I often find clothes that I've been looking for and some that I haven't worn in years. This is the perfect time to try your clothes on to see what fits you and what you like to wear. 
Go through your clothes by sections. If you have drawers, sort through one drawer at a time. If you just have a closet, sort by types of clothes (i.e. jackets, tank tops, pants). Make two piles on your floor or bed: KEEP or TRASH. Obviously keep whatever is in the KEEP pile and hang it back up or put in the drawer once you are done. Whatever is placed in the TRASH pile, donate it! Or save it in a bag and sell it at a yard sale or flea market in the summertime to make some quick cash.
Make sure to go through ALL of your clothes.

3. GO SHOPPING: Out with the old, in with the new. Now that you have emptied up some closet space, it's time to purchase some new springy clothes to add to your wardrobe. Go for bright jeans and tops. Floral patterns specifically make me think of spring when I see them in my closet. A bright and springy outfit will lift your mood and make you feel good as well.  
 4. WORK OUT: It's never too early to work on that beach body and with summer coming, you better get started. This is the perfect time to start a new sport at school or to pick up running again. The warm air will be perfect running weather, even if it rains. Trust me, you won't regret it in the summer!

5. TRY SOMETHING NEW: Spring is a time for coming out of the cave that you've been living in all summer. So start embracing the motivation you're starting to feel by picking up a new hobby, or again, by starting a new sport. Start gardening or blogging. Anything to get active.

I hope this could help someone who is down in the winter dumps. Spring is one of the best seasons and it's right around the corner!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hello to anyone who is actually reading this,
I have created this blog in an attempt to give myself a creative outlet.. I live in New Hampshire and am a high school senior about to start my life in the real world. I want to pursue a career in nursing in my near future at a local college (not sure where yet). Some of my other interests include soccer, track, fashion, and now, hopefully, blogging. I will be blogging about those things and more and I hope I can atleast interest one person with my writing. That's all for now.
